How to Delete an Application

Administrators have the ability to delete a submitted application by following the steps below.

  1. Login to your ROC-P Admin account, and navigate to the specific application or list of all responses. 
  2. Find the application response in the listing.
  3. In the green Actions dropdown, select Delete

If you do not have the option to delete the application in the dropdown, it is likely because there is a payment linked to the application. In this case, you will need to void or refund the payment before deleting the application.

  1. Navigate to Payments and find the user.
  2. Scroll down to Actions
  3. In the dropdown, you will see the option to Void or Refund.
  4. Once the payment has been successfully voided or refunded, you will then be able to delete the application from the dropdown menu.

If you have any questions regarding this process, please open a support ticket or reach out to and we will be happy to help!