How to Generate Pass/Fail Letters for Exams

After the exam scores have been posted, you have the option to generate pass/fail letters for your users to download. The below steps will walk you though the process. 


  1. Begin by reviewing and revising the content of your exam letters located at >Settings >Exams.
  2. Scroll down to "Exam Result Letters" and click on the Exam Results Letter Link as shown below.
  3. Once the dates and any other information have been updated, scroll down and click “Update” to save any changes.
  4. Go to Exams and click into the “Results Letter” tab to input the correct information/dates of the exam as needed.
  5. Next, click into the “Results” tab within the exam.
  6. Click the green “Generate Letters” button.

  7. To enable users to access their letters in their accounts, check the box displayed below to select all users.

  8. In the Bulk Actions menu, choose the option “Update User View Result Letter Flag Active for the selected people”.

  9. Select "Active" from the dropdown below, then the green update flag active button.

  10. Users will see the letter under >History >Exam History and Results.